This is a reminder that the Second Semester Milk program started today. If you would like to have your child receive milk, please send in payment tomorrow, 2/4/25. The form is located under parent page. If you can not print the form, please put a note in with payment. Thank you
Please click above to view the Before and After School Daycare Program Registration packet. If your child will be attending either program on a regular basis, then registration is due by September 8th. You may drop off the paperwork any day in August at the school or you can send it in with your child when they return to school. For those that need the program on an occasional basis, registration is open any time.
St Mary School in Fishkill is now accepting applications for new students for the next school year. To apply please go to the Admissions tab above and apply online. If you would like to schedule a tour please call us at 896-9561.
Please click above for the Parent/Student Handbook. All the forms that need to be signed that are included in the end of the handbook, will go home in the student's folders the first day of school
St Mary School is now accepting applications for new students. Please click the Admission Tab above for a link to apply and for tuition rates. For more information please call the school at 896-9561
Please click above to see the program policies and fees along with the registration forms for the Before & After School Daycare Programs, which are due on August 31st, along with the registration fee. The programs will be begin on Monday, September 13th.
St. Clare of Assisi was born into the nobility of Assisi on July 16, 1194. She was known by members of her household to be a sensitive child, prayerful and kind. After hearing St. Francis preach, she confided in him her desire to live for God. In the Church of ‘Our Lady of the Angels’, Francis, clothed Clare in sackcloth and cut off her hair, signaling her renunciation of the world. She took the veil of religious life from Francis and from that moment vowed to live her life entirely in the service of Jesus, her heavenly spouse. St. Clare followed her path unwaveringly, adopting the rule of St. Benedict tempered with Francis’s preaching of poverty. She became abbess of the new community known as the Poor Clares. Clare’s mother and sisters later joined the order, and there are still thousands of members today. We know she became a living example of the poverty, humility, and mortification expounded by St. Francis. Like St. Francis, Clare was known for her many miracles. Among her most famous feats is using a consecrated Host to ward off invaders. She displayed the Sacrament in a monstrance at the convent gates, and prayed before it; the attackers left. Toward the end of her life on Christmas Eve 1252, Clare was upset that her illness was keeping her from Mass in the new Basilica of St. Francis. Suddenly, she was blessed with a vision of the Mass on her wall, both hearing and seeing it miraculously from several miles away.
"Saint Joseph was a just man, a tireless worker, the upright guardian of those entrusted to his care. May he always guard, protect and enlighten families. " Saint John Paul II
Online Admissions Are Open! We Are Now Accepting Applications for New Students for the 2021-22 School Year! Financial Assistance is available. Please go to the Admissions tab above for the link to apply.